Helgen Reborn is a mod made for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition.

From uncovering an underground slavery ring, to fighting for your life in exciting battles in a secret new arena, many other adventures await as the workers rebuild the town step by step! You'll be rewarded with your own private tower in Helgen which includes the most interactive and dynamic display museum in Skyrim! " ―Official description Recruit and train your own town guard or ask for protection from the Empire or Stormcloaks. "From the author of Fallout: New Vegas' "New Bison Steve Hotel" and "Afterschool Special" mods, comes my most ambitious adventure yet! Simply put, Helgen Reborn is THE definitive quest mod for rebuilding Helgen! Learn the legend of The Keepers of Hattu as you reunite two old soldiers and are thrust into a decades old feud with a ruthless and powerful Justiciar from the Aldmeri Dominion.