The data obtained were analyzed through Critical Path Method (CPM) and Path Analysis. The samples for this study were all of the project activities which belonged to the critical paths or condition. Tne problem discussed in this study was what factors that influenced the effectiveness of time and cost in a construction project. In this project, the lengthening of project completion time occured because of work delay that time effectivenes could be achieved that the cost effectiveness was not achieved either. The same thing also happens to the construction project that becomes the case discussed in this study. The parameter of the success of a project can be seen through the effectivenes of time and cost and the quality produced. Several previous studies showed that the factor causing the achievement of the effectivenes of time and cost is the labor, materials and equipment, but, in general, a project has problem with the time and cost due to the incident of work delays and cost increases. Project Resources, Effectiveness of Project Time, Effectiveness of Project Cost Abstract